A brief overview of BOG Token

4 min readNov 9, 2020

In this article, we’ll be introducing the BOG token, an experimental game token based on the Bog Effect.

The Bog Effect
The Bog Effect is a formidable tool of the elite and at the same time a trader’s worst nightmare. If you’ve never heard of it, chances are, you’ve at least experienced it. Most if not all crypto projects have been plagued by the Bog Effect at least once. When you FOMO into a new project and it dumps immediately after, or capitulate and sell before a massive pump, you are already fell victim to the Bog Effect.

The Bog Effect originates from The Bogdanoff Brothers. For the uninitiated, here’s a quick rundown: link

The Bog Token
Bog Token simulates the real-life Bog Effect. For each transaction, there is a 25% probability of a pump or dump, depending on whether it is a buy or a sell. More specifically, a buy may result in a dump, whereas a sell may result in a pump.

Once a week, there will be an event where a major pump or dump which will occur at a random date and time. The date and time will not be disclosed beforehand. However, clues will be given on the BOG token website through a series of puzzles.

The Bogdavault contains the tokens used for these events. At the end of each season (or per popular votes), The ETH accumulated in the Bogdavault will be airdropped to BOGholders. The first major airdrop is planned to take place on Christmas Eve.

He who outsmarts The Bogdanoff Brothers will be worthy of buying low and selling high.

More on the weekly game
The puzzles in the weekly game is designed to be complex and intellectually stimulating since solving it would wield an individual great power. The first few weeks will be relatively easy. As time progresses, it will become increasingly hard.

Pump events and dump events do not necessarily occur in consecutive sequences. In other words, the token could dump for multiple weeks in a row and vice versa.

Since these events are designed to be random, market conditions will have no influence over their occurrence. TA is a waste of time.

The BOG token will have an initial supply of 18,000,000 BOG. Note that tokenomics may be subject to changes based on future developments:

Total: 18,000,000

BogdaVault (Initial): 3,000,000

Uniswap Liquidity: 1,200,000

Presale: 1,200,000

Team: 600,000 (locked for 3 months)

Marketing and Listing: 900,000 (locked for 2 months)

Community: 300,000 (locked for 1 month)

BOG crowdsale is ongoing since 15th December 2020.

1,200,000 BOG tokens will be sold in the crowdsale. The crowdsale will be divided into three stages.

Stage 1 (early-bird) will take place for the first 300,000 (25%) BOG tokens. 1 ETH for 3000 BOG.

Stage 2 will take place for the remaining 600,000 (50%) BOG tokens. 1 ETH for 2500 BOG

Stage 3 will take place for the last 300,000 (25%) BOG tokens. 1 ETH for 2000 BOG

Each time the crowdsale transitions to a new stage, the rate of BOG received per ETH will decrease by 500 BOG. This serves as an incentive for traders to get in early. The amount of contribution per wallet is capped at 10 ETH. Minimum contribution is 0.1 ETH.

At the end of the crowdsale, the ETH raised will be used for Uniswap liquidity. The initial price will be adjusted such that most crowdsale participants will be able to enjoy a 2x gain.

Why BOG Token?

In real life, once a project gets bogged, it usually spells a slow death spiral, as its ETH pool is drained for what it’s worth and transferred to other projects. In fact, crypto as a whole has been devastated by the Bog Effect. Traders exit into fiat all the time, and sometimes these fiats are never to be seen in crypto again. In essence, the Bog Effect is what makes crypto a negative-sum game.

The BOG Token is designed to change all that. Regardless of how hard you are bogged, the money does not go anywhere. It will remain in the Bogdavault, an exchequer which you have a partial ownership of. At the end of the day, there will be people who ended up getting bogged harder than you, even if you were to do nothing. In other words, your share of the Bogdavault could increase simply by hodling BOG Token.

On a humorous note, if we’re already constantly bogging ourselves, what greater damage can an external bog do?

However, we would not recommend you to hodl. After all, the token is meant to be a strategic game. Unleash the degens in you. For all you know, you could be rewarded for your bravery.

The core basis behind the token is to provide a sandbox environment with greater incentives than what is offered in real life. To that end, there is really no downside to BOG, except that you might become addicted to it.


Game tokens used to be a thing in the past. Sadly, most if not all of them have pretty much died off. It all points to a single trend — terrible idea, terrible execution. Most game tokens in the past were designed as a quick cash grab for developers. Simply take a look at projects such as Tendies, Hands of Steel, etc. They are either undergoing a death spiral or have already rugpulled.

Our goal is to set ourselves apart from the rest of the game token market. With integrity, transparency, and determination, we intend to create a token where investors not only make money, but have fun at the same time.

Contract Address
Token: 0x2ED74249872879Fa4715e818Ea3c60E42d58848F
Crowdsale: 0x0ED12190E00590efD6c6F0E5ED9eC125A8D20a5e

Website: https://bogdanoff.finance
Telegram: https://t.me/bogtokenofficial
Discord: https://discord.gg/p3HG4gqhrN
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bog_token
Medium: https://bogdanoffeth.medium.com
Github: https://github.com/bogdanoffdoteth/BOG-Solidity-Contracts

